
Posts Tagged ‘Aesop fables’

The current Corona pandemics has once again brought American ire against China. US is certain that the China is the source of all the Pandemic fiasco. This reminds me of the the wolf who picked a quarrel with Wu Hu, the Lamb.  The wolf startled a lamb drinking from a stream. He said in an unfriendly voice. “Didn’t you start this pandemic?

“No I did not” Wu Hu said, ” You tell me what is this Pandemic ?

Wolf tried to explain what Corona was. “It is like Flue, It is a sneeze, a sniffle a gunk,” The wolf spluttered and all his cofefe in his word book were exhausted. He  snapped, “It is virus.”.

“I don’t get it, Mr. Wolf” Wu Hu said still perplexed. At this the wolf got hopping mad. In a rage he shrieked, “That is the problem. You set the Yellow peril going round the world, and you don’t take the blame for your negligence.”

“I am going to make you pay, real bad” The wolf said. “Dollars, Trillions of it,” He added.

“That is  the only way I shall be satisfied.” The wolf said in the end.

“But that will be against all international obligations !’ Wu Hu was aghast, “You will be seen as the most obnoxious wolf by all animals. High crime!”Wu Hu was certain.

The wolf let out a mighty laugh, “Me a criminal? It is fake news if I have my way.”

Now the President of the US is planning to make China pay up for Corona pandemics. Against this background here is some fact:”

China has steadily accumulated U.S. Treasury securities over the last few decades. As of December 2019, the Asian nation owns $1.07 trillion, or about 5%, of the $23 trillion U.S. national debt, which is more than any other foreign country.

Which way the wind is blowing, the reader may guess. If the world were a bowl of jelly! Blow Blow, Blow!



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The dolphin on a steady diet of micro-granules of plastic and after a loss of her sucklings due to several miscarriages said all in a fluster, “Oh I am carrying a dangerous cargo.”  She added, “My self control is gone and my bile is up !” Like a banshee she screamed,”Death to the foul fiend whose heart is a cash box and his  soul as silly as plastic!” She dived to the bottom and the ape at last made bed in a pile of plastic he had happily made ubiquitous.” Aesop at the end said, “You will call it poetic justice.” Pie the monkey said in an injured tone, “There you killed me off once again!” He was wroth.


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The monkey cried loud enough and long enough till a dolphin came up to enquire: “Are you in trouble?”

The monkey shed fresh tears, “My life is in danger and my fortune, lay at the bottom of the Nile. How can I not cry?”

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Sorry, the story continues in Almost Aesop, Fables available through Amazon.com-b


Aesop Fables Updated :swallowing more than one can chew

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AESOP FABLES UPDATED- taken by the blind side

IMG_0331IMG_0332Sorry, the story continues in Almost Aesop, Fables available through Amazon.com-b 

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Aesop Updated: Harvesting Time ©

At the creation time Zeus and his Council of gods laid out plans what kind of world they wanted to rule over. Each god was appointed over something or other. In the end the chief God asked what shall they do with Time.
‘It would be a headache to be held responsible for time.’ God of fire said,’ My glory is bursting in a blaze but then it is on its own.’Each god found some excuse to pass it over. Zeus irritated asked Demeter the goddess of Agriculture to take care of Time. She agreed on condition that Hephaistos fashioned it in a form she could take to the Earth. The lame- god thus made Time into golden grains which Demeter sowed around so finely that each grain was no more or less than what another would find.
Later when gods were discussing Demeters ingenious plan the lame god said,’ Demeter made man to be like unto gods with one grain. Clever!’ God of fire said,’Why didn’t I think of it before?’
Zeus observed, ‘You were only concerned with glory. But man who makes use of time shall snach that glory.'( all rights reserved)

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Aesop Updated- The Fox and the Crow- illustration

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Sorry, the story continues in Almost Aesop, Fables available through Amazon.com-b


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Sorry, the story continues in Almost Aesop, Fables available through Amazon.com-b



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A woodcutter went to cut wood and he lost his axe in the forest. He didn’t know where to look for. So he sat there cursing his luck. Hearing him swear high and low in an awful mood Hermes approached him and asked him why he was upset. ‘I lost my axe.’ Hermes said,’That happens to more people. Always losing things.’

Yes the woodcutter lost the means of livelihood. ‘But it is not some trifle that I lost. How will I ever cut again?’

The messenger god promised him a way out.’Look I will make your hands into axes. So you shall never lose it’. The wood cutter thought for a while and said,’Oh no!’ I have a wife and children back home’. The woodcutter didn’t want accidents at home with an axe as flying hands of some parents. Hermes said,’ I can make an axe with free will. Only you need tell it ‘Cut woods for me.’ It’ll cut trees and make you some money while you stay home and enjoy the comfort of a family. Will be alright?’

The wood cutter said, no. ‘If the axe can think for itself it may go out one morning and may be it will never come back.’ Hermes understood the man was right.

‘Ok what will you have then?’

‘Oh a big machine that I can operate myself and cutdown acres of trees by a couple of days. It should have few replaceable parts, low in maintenance and bring maximum profits.’

In opening the woodcutter’s mind to many options available to him God Hermes set him to think of profits, time and motion. The god shook his head sadly realizing the state of the earth in a couple of years. ‘OK go down the road. You’ll find the machine and it is yours.’ The god disappeared.


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