
Archive for July 28th, 2008

One Sunday morning George C. Marshall came to read in his newspaper the flight of three Russians from Moscow over the North Pole.  They had taken off in a single engine monoplane two days before and they were scheduled to stop over in Oakland. But it so happened they were overhead ready to land at Pearson Field, south of Vancouver Barracks, practically in his front yard.
Marshall arranged for their breakfast and went out to receive unexpected and already world famous visitors.
They were brought over to his barracks to rest and Mrs. Marshall won their good will and notice in papers throughout the country by supplying ham, bread and a huge G.I pot of coffee.
Before the converging press could interview the visitors Marshall arranged for change of clothes and set up a news room and facilities for broadcasts in his living room. He knew always what was needed of the moment and cut out the ideological claptrap and party politics.

While Europe was battling the Nazi menace FDR hoped the nation would not be drawn into the war. President Roosevelt proposed to help Britain and France building up their air power with which they could hold Hitler in check without US participation. His policy was outlined in a White House conference on Nov.14,’38 and his idea was to build ten thousand planes for the purpose.
Most of his aides fell in with his proposal and said flatteringly so. When the president asked Marshall the Deputy Chief of Staff made his objections clear.
His relationship with FDR was a slow process  and to the president he proved to be the most important strategic advisor during the war.
Even when FDR decided to promote him to the highest position he did not tell anyone. Not even the Secretary of State. One Sunday he was called to White House and offered him the post of Chief of Staff. Marshall told him that he wanted the right to say what he thought and it would be often unpleasant.” Is that all right?” The president agreed. “You said ‘yes,’ pleasantly, but it may be unpleasant.” George Marshall said.

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