
Archive for the ‘metaphysics’ Category

All stable matter in the universe is made from lightest particles that signify these belong to the first generation; any heavier particles quickly decay to the next most stable level. When matter is made up to delineate forms that we can name and cherish say, a baby, remember it is made up at its fundamental level by particles and these are ‘condemned’ to decay. Growing from cradle to grave is not a curse but nature’s decree of changes.

Consider energy is neither created nor destroyed. So energy is passed around recycling which in human terms we may say we age and move from infancy to maturity leaving room for another generation of babies to take our place. There is a great democracy in this change: baby born with a silver spoon must make for a baby with a wooden spoon stuck into its mouth.

When we see the nature in its myriad colours we may understand that there are also quarks and leptons involved. Quarks come in three different colors which however when mixed create only colourless objects. For those who rely on their senses to make sense of the world, another world which has no colour, form or shape but equally admissible also exists. You may use your reason if you will or deny its existence. It matters little. Faith rules this realm given the hint that we can empirically know as existent at fundamental level.


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