
Archive for the ‘mind’ Category

The second book in the Now You Know series is available in paper back and in kindle

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A lifetime of seeking knowledge in order to fix the Big Picture as one whole, that is my intellectual life in a nutshell. Nothing was excluded. Art, literature, the Bible and science every aspect of knowledge was fodder for my curiosity. I read all I could but great many I discarded for my intuition showed what to seek and what to get rid of. I have set all that stayed with me in these two volumes and it is available through Amazon.com

My two books Now You Know: Man and Nature and Mind and Matter are available through Amazon.com (paperback and kindle)



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Dream State ©

Night and day collide,

What ripples spacetime can hold

My dreams do elide.


note: elide in the sense of merge. It can be blackholes or mind setting hieroglyphics of collective memory for each

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“Truth is the last frontier that is left for science to reach; but what is it?”


Science has answered great many but Truth in absolute sense remains still elusive. It is not for want of trying.  Even though scientists have managed to quantify how much dark matter lurks in distant galaxies, astronomers have been hard-pressed to figure out how much of the mysterious stuff lies within our own. Measuring anything is hard when you’re inside of it,” As the Astrophysicist James Bullock said, “It’s kind of like trying to figure out what kind of house you live in without ever leaving your house.”

Is man really keen to know the truth?

“Truth sounds good but money in pocket is better,” seems to me how man with his attention-deficit set progress on the move. We live in the Anthropocene Age: our blue planet as a result has become a plastic planet. Global warming and devastating  hurricanes hitting one after the other reveal the planet earth in distress. Yet do we face the truth of our own mismanagement? As to our belief systems the  less said is the better. What we need ask is : how big is mind and to what it is fixed?  Now You Know: mind and matter continues what science can do and what it cannot. Aim of the author is to present before the reader a fair idea of the Big Picture in 364 entries.

Now You Know: man and nature  is also available.

My second volume is available through Amazon.


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How did man bring out underlying abstract of nature of matter to propound a theory of anything? Man we say is capable of abstract thinking. When one gives a form to God it is that he is clothing it with a form natural for him. The form belies an idea. Whereas doubt is formless, a state of mind from which he cannot retrieve any idea tangible. Only way his doubt can stand therefore is in relation to others. How can he doubt nature provides for him while everything proves otherwise? Can he doubt peace if he in his mind feels no conflict? So doubt can only be dealt effectively in his mind with Mind that works with chaos and order to his universe.

Brain is the thinking apparatus and mind is something else. Psychologists use human behaviour as a clue to the workings of the mind. Although we cannot observe the mind directly, everything we do, think, feel and say is determined by the functioning of the mind.

If we see those who did far greater things than their circumstances warrant, we need to consider mind of man has a range no science can define. Here we shall look at one who made a great stir in China.

Hung Hsui-Chuan (1814 – 1864) As a child he was precocious (he was able to recite the Four Classics after five or six years) but with no means to advance himself. But at the age of 22 in 1836, he realized his further progress to enter the government service was blocked. Success in examinations required a bribe to the examiners. Thwarted in his ambition he fell ill. In a delirious state he saw visions that he was taken to the ‘Thirty-Third Heaven and the Venerable-in-Years gave him a mission to destroy the demon worshippers on the earth. When Hung had recovered from his fever he was altogether a new man. A chance encounter in Canton with Christian missionaries from London Missionary Society, gave him new direction. While reading the book of Genesis his earlier vision took on new significance. The Venerable–in Years of his dream had become the Creator of heaven and the earth. His curious theology was a mixture calculated to win over most supporters.

As luck would have it the Opium War (1839-1842) broke out around this time and it showed the hated Manchu regime was almost on its last legs. Manchus were Manchurian Tartars, foreigners while south of the Yangtse there were many who yearned for bringing back the defunct Ming rule.

Tien Wang began the revolt in concert with the Triads who were for bringing back the Ming regime. Tien Wang’s aim was more of a theocratic rule himself as a brother of Jesus Christ. (In his concept of Trinity god, the Father, Christ the son, and himself was the other brother.) The man who would ultimately bring him down Tseng Kuo-fan had no Tartar blood as the Manchu masters. He was not a supporter of the Manchu regime. But he was believer in Confucianism and had no use for Christian Taipings. Tien Wang’s mind relied on otherworld source while his nemesis relied on more down to earth aspects of his mind. Who shall determine who is right?

Tien Wang’s God was Venerable-in-Years. Mother Teresa’s God embodied Love which however made sense to all those who were sustained in their last years neglected and forgotten. The important point is to determine how great your mind is. Mind that can never ascend beyond dollars and cents adds to its shallowness hypocrisy when he speaks of God. As we see around us man who claims he is rational but destroys the natural habitats of other species with impunity cannot be speaking for species he destroys. His mind focuses only on now. On the other hand late Mother Teresa whose life-mission among the slums and squalor of Kolkotta was empowered by her mind and we can see range of her mind. She delineated the concept God as Love in ways useful to man.

What can Science do when operative range of mind cannot be separated?


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Einstein was at a scientific meeting when a noted astronomer said, “To an astronomer, a man is nothing more than an insignificant dot in an infinite universe.” “I’ve often felt that,” Einstein said,” But then realise that the insignificant dot who is a man is also the astronomer.”

Science is for man and all enquiries regarding which direction science is taking consequently must be set in terms of man as the end user. If science is spooky science it is simply because man is fearfully and wonderfully made. Let me quote an astronomer.

“I look up at the night sky, and I know that, yes, we are part of this universe, we are in this universe, but perhaps more important than both those facts is the fact that the universe is in us. When I reflect on that fact I look up- many people feel small because they’re small and the universe is big, but I feel big, because my atoms come from those stars”- Neil deGrasse Tyson, Astronomer

In order to make man see the difference as his self and the visible world without he requires mind.

What is mind?.

Absent-mindedness is a mental condition where a person pays low level attention to events around him. To our present intent and purpose we may say the person is so preoccupied with a specific problem he merely goes through motions of doing basic daily things.

Prof. B.Hoffman, who was working on some relative theories of his own at the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton, New Jersey, one day called on Einstein at his residence. He explained the reason for his sudden visit. Einstein was willing to hear him and help him if he could. “Put the equations on the board,” the great man directed, “but please go slowly because I don’t understand things quickly.” Unlike Einstein whose mind was contemplative and slow we have geniuses whose mind with lightening speed could solve a problem on hand. John von Neumann was one such, who impressed Hans Bethe, who was the director of the Theoretical Physics Division to wonder “I have sometimes wondered whether a brain like von Neumann’s does not indicate a species superior to that of man?”

Mind of man is his brain in application. Not all men are equal but each holds certain personal tag with which he perceives his world and it must speak for man as the species. His hyper-focus comes at the loss of certain characteristics that we call as absent-mindedness. Some whose intellect never raises above the ground are necessary for compensating the lapses in superior minds. All in all such profiling of mind of man does not make substantial difference. Our safety is in numbers and the cooperative effort of the whole. Man and other species included. Yellow canary in the mine helps as safety lamp when a miner descends into the deep pits of the earth.

Mind is consciousness considering man sees dreams when asleep and mind when awake can recall them and it requires a consciousness that is of a different quality. Nature always spreads her gifts so no man can do without the rest. Dreams visions are all part of a creative Power and Wisdom so man who is clever with hands is as useful as who shall conjure up visions marking the direction for mankind. One represents the whole similarly mind of man is a pixel of the Mind that supplies the necessary inputs for man to evolve. If he has come this far for evil, as we witness the worst excesses of mind in Charlottesville, Virginia, who is to blame? His color?or God? Or godlessness?




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“How can one be unhappy unless had a vague idea what happiness is? How can conscience prick unless one had some notion what Perfect is? Intuition is sum total of what an individual is capable of taking cues from consciousness on any given moment,pared to its *least reducible limit. Flight or fight is one aspect of it; so is knowledge of the Most High

*In its least reducible limit what impinges from without and what responds from within are one”.


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