
Archive for the ‘nature’ Category


  1. Day 1


Crack open an acorn and one might find a world of creatures that make it their home during the nut’s growth and decay. The number, however, is limited considering the size of the acorn. The nut has its limit so has the Earth.

The variety and number of organisms that fill an acorn will depend upon the surroundings. A nut lying on a bare and dry ground may not attract much as a decaying acorn swathed in a layer of moist leaves. Fecundity of moths, parasites and animals in an acorn owes to its environment as some parts of the Earth are more populated than other parts. The conclusion is quite compelling. Nature of an acorn in context corresponds with life forms interacting where the size of the Earth. Is it because Truth accommodates various species to organize about a triad? Truth of nature, of action and of experience create synergy that is for all to make use of?


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4 Day 7


Alexander of Macedon or Julius Caesar fought close combat when personal bravery often forced the outcome. How different it is from waging urban guerrilla warfare in our times? Art of war has lost its stomach for a single man to man confrontation.

We shall see law of entropy working in the manner Napoleon’s Grand Army was decimated in Moscow. A well-knit strategy is an order but when descends into chaos the result is inevitable, In his case an early winter had set in and he and his army had no choice but to retreat. General Winter was one among many imponderables that conspired against him.

Think of the early Christian church with the modern churches around the world. Religions show this dilution of cardinal virtues that prophets emphasized at the founding of their belief-systems. Apostles have given way for charismatic TV preachers advocating prosperity theology to milk the congregation. Order of Truth descending into chaos speaks of moral terms man cannot escape. Spirit of the times is a moral equivalent of the physical law.








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4 Day 4


A luscious apple left to itself over a period of time tends to become mush. Reason for this a law that dictates close-knit atoms tend to loosen up without energy acting on it.

Energy makes the working of universe on a single standard as the apple.

Thermodynamics deals with the study of heat and energy. When water in a kettle is boiled you shall hear it makes sound as water furiously bubbles from source of heat leading to its boiling point. The atoms are passing on heat as they knock each other about. Heat from outside introduced energy.

The laws of thermodynamics describe how energy moves around within a system, whether an atom, a hurricane or a black hole.

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  1. Day 2


Chemistry is a discipline to explain the working of material world in terms of chemical characteristics. Atoms or molecules have their relevance in our every day lives. For example. Coffee and basil do not complement each other. These have molecules that work opposite to each other. Coffee as a result will taste foul.

We smell before we fall in love. It is how our body has located olfactory receptors (OR for odorant receptors), within in our noses for the detection of odorants (i.e., compounds that have an odor). Love at first sight? Even before a woman has spoken a word man gets chemical messages. What does the message say?’ I feel excited!’ Naturally you fall in love. Such chemical communication is intra-personal and at unconscious level.



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Triad of nature, forces and integrity of each life form repeat even where each constituent is taken apart. Sodium in a table salt for instance has its uniqueness.

Sodium chloride, or table salt, easily dissolves in water. Both are ionic in nature, so the compound will dissociate into ions in water. An ion is an atom or molecule that has a net electrical charge. Since the charge of the electron is equal and opposite to that of the proton,

Atom has its own character. An ion is as distinct as atom. This has great bearing on the visible world as it appears to us. A cation is a positively charged ion, with fewer electrons than protons, while an anion is negatively charged, with more electrons than protons. Because of their opposite electric charges, cations and anions attract each other and readily form ionic compounds. This attraction at it basic level we see in gravity and magnetism. We may also include our preference for others owe to the chemical nature of material world.


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Truth as an Absolute is a context where man and nature hold a relationship. Truth of either party in their interactions is in direct context to it. Man as rational thinker can connect while nature, actions and experience of all life forms give him a reading. It would not make sense without his taking it direct from Truth, which is the keystone of his moral structure.

In an ecosystem one finds a species around which life forms manage the web of life. Off the coast of South California sea otters are ‘keystone’ animals. By knocking out the keystone what delicate balance is achieved will be disrupted. Sea otters were extensively hunted down in 18th and 19th centuries for their fur. In its near extinction sea urchins multiplied beyond limit. They in turn caused havoc by eating the giant kelps that served as a shelter for seals.

Truth as the keystone on which nations hold their position and knock it out and you see its effect from the worst excesses of man arising of man’s moral confusion jockeying for prominence. Social platforms spew them forth and does it help any one? Nor has it spared nature from degradation?

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A walk to the park
in a drizzle unhurried,
Oh, the heave about my throat
is gone.
And the asphalt gleams with desire-
My feet may slosh through
A puddle or two,-never mind
But autumn is at my feet:
The greens are gold and
Red flushed with fleeting clouds
Of winter tousle my hair
Even as geese glides to their tryst,
Silent before a world gone to sleep.

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