
Posts Tagged ‘Religion Christian Right’

I am posting this entry for those who believe in the inerrancy of the Bible and to those Christians who are fundamental in their theological position.

If you think The Bible is written down under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit those who accept Jesus must surely be under the divine guidance of God. Hope you do not dispute my assertion.

‘God is Love’. It is the gospels in a nutshell. It was not made up by Oral Roberts or Billy Graham. Benny Hinn, forget it! Love is the cornerstone of the Bible. ‘Perfect love casteth out fear’- Not my word but once again from the Bible. If you believe so far how do you despise one who is left and liberal in his position? What makes you think you know the mind or love of God better than one whose lifestyle and his worship you abhor?

You know what the word Grace means?


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