
Posts Tagged ‘Samuel T. Coleridge’

Quo Vadis? ©




 There is no mistake you spot him

How he totters under weight-

It’s not by any means a pretty sight,

‘Now wherefore stopp’st thou me?


The borders are barr’d, so are hearts of men.

‘You seem more curious

Than vicious, and I am cautious

Now wherefore stopp’st thou me?


My sins are writ large and scarlet

These papers scream ‘gainst me:

My birth under sorry hour, place

Worse still stamps me alien.’


‘That makes me,’ said I, a brother-

An alien I was once.

Brothers at arms, it’s no bother

For arms that bore a cross.


Ah under this bright Aegean Sun

You choose to bear my sin

Of being born in a curséd spot

And we’re cold and we’re hot.


And now there came border control,

And it grew wondrous cold

Of being swallowed by a whale-

Man’s godless protocol.

(in the style of The Rime of Ancient Mariner)


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