
Posts Tagged ‘tariff war’

At the animal farm once a question came up: which animal served Farmer Joe most? The cow said she gave milk and its goodness kept the farmer strong and healthy. The porker wallowing in mud said,’The cow only said part of the story. She makes bones of Joe strong but my meat makes his muscles ripple with goodness so he may work whole day, without tiring’. The goats added their story and said, ‘A good butt from my horns has made the boss exclaim,”When ever I want the Bank to increase my credit worthiness I can well thank you for showing how.”‘ The rooster added how he served the hens in the farmyard so Father Joe has everyday something to break up. “Besides egg story has not anyone here something better to tell?”the animals asked one another
A frog who came there asked,”Please will you decide our case?” At this point the mosquito also appeared, “Please settle our argument”
The animals did not know what to make of it all.
The frog said, “This mosquito s malaria case while my poison is instant death.”
Mosquito by name Xi said,”Give me a chance to prove it on Farmer Joe, He shall die the most horrible death slow agonizing death.” While Donny the frog said, “Novichok in Salisbury was nothing compared to what I got. No collusion, no dilution but pure evil”. They were both asking the animals a chance to practice on Farmer Joe.
Oh boy were the animals so enraged! This is how tariff war is played at the expense of the whole world.

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Rain in Spain stays on the plain;

What shall we do with California wine?

It is plain, -what a shame
Gone sour in a tariff war.


Wine and blood are red:

Madder than hell is wine gone bad

It is plain-what a shame

Gone sour in a tariff war.


Luminum shall wilt,

So shall steel melt,

When China say Boo!

Some shall say: ” Cheese!

There is glut in the Market

But bread in the basket

Shall wait for no man-

Pass some butter please!


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