
Archive for February 9th, 2008

Stories For Dudes


While reviewing the balance sheet of his rule, the dictator of a South American republic realised there had been double entries all through.
“Where is the accountant?” cried the ex-bookkeeper of a Banana Exporting Company. A general, mustachioed and bristling with medals who looked more like a pineapple than a banana hurried to the chief. When informed of the errors, the Accountant-General of the Republic in well-oiled tones said: “Your Excellency, our request for aid on soft terms is coming up shortly before the Global Aid Panel. They ought to be given one set. The other is for people. If GAP passes it, none will bother us any further.”
“But are you sure GAP will accept our balance sheet as it is?” the dictator asked anxiously. “It all depends, your Excellency, on the ledger books of GAP there is a fifth column, which is overlooked by developing nations in their eagerness for credit. There hangs our economy!”

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Labor vs. Capital ©

In one of those South American republics where Military Junta ruled one after the other, a dictator came to the end of his tether. He asked the new dictator a safe passage for him to live abroad.  When he proposed Las Vegas his successor demurred.
“You cannot have any objection to my gambling?” asked the loser.” You gambled all through your career, lives of your soldiers. I promoted you out of turn to a colonel’s rank and you lost quite a few wars. Did I mind that?”
“ Well,” replied the new dictator, “ what I gambled was with labor, cheap labor. What you are now proposing to do is, gamble with the capital. The republic may not survive if you have had your way.”

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Stories For Dudes

Aesop and the Ass

The ass was sore with Aesop for having made him look a fool in public. One day he approached the story teller and said,” Well sir, you made me look ridiculous with your ridiculous stories; Am I not more intelligent than a horse?”
“Oh sure, more than a hobby horse.” Aesop said with a chuckle.
“I will take you on that.”
Next morning all over the town large bill boards were seen, with the following words,” Aesop says: An ass is more intelligent than a ‘ hobby’ horse.” The word ‘ hobby’ was in fine print and none noticed it. The advertisement campaign launched by the ass was so successful the price of horses slumped overnight.


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