
Archive for February 23rd, 2008

A Prayer For The Day

Keep us from the road-rage and also bridges going under as we ride through, Oh Lord. Keep us  safe from random shootings whether it a stranger or a colleague. Let not pharmaceutical companies use us guinea-pigs for the furtherance of their Company goals;  while we shop at Wal-Mart  or any other place give us wisdom to choose the right product; save our children from toys coated with lethal chemicals or toys with batteries that explode; that reminds me, O lord,  of cans that explode, contaminated beef and the like. We like our cereals and bread made of whole wheat that is not genetically modified or that is the monopoly of some conglomerates who are out to make a fast buck at our expense.  O Lord there is so much to pray for . So I shall merely recite the prayer you taught us:
“Give us this day our daily bread … and deliver us from Evil even if it comes in the form of  Uncle Sam or in the form of a Jihad …”


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