
Posts Tagged ‘fake news’



Is not comical in sense,

But damns me to hell!


Brexit between us

Is the channel athwart

E-U and U-K.


Come to think of it
Brexit is some hangover-
Oh, toothless John Bull!


Fade,Fade O John Bull

Lay  ‘mong ashes of past glory

Mongrels do not choose.


Plastic! the bottle imp-
No one thought its cold hand would
Thus shroud the world live.


Ruben lost and found
rocked world of art all over,-
Oh Big Ben what now?


No news feed me now:

So shall I make make my own

Fake news come handy!


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Alternate Facts ©

Hey Dude, wasn’t it bad?

Take a bad stance with news that bites deep;

Remember to shape it into what sounds

Almost true: you can do one better-

Hey dude, hurt is not hurt,

Leave that apart and make it fake news:

Remember no news is so true as it sounds
So you can start play with dem facts

Hey dude, photoshopping
With verve, make it stick,- crop it and paste!
The minute you have made white look black
Add your caption to make it better
Remember you cant spell right to let bad news
Get your goat! You are one helluva artist

Hey dude, don’t be afraid
You were made to make news so splash it….


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The Power of Fake News ©

‘Twas not the best of news, but came ringing

It was plain mudslinging

Through Bannon’s Breitbart source:

Look how ‘Bama threw his force,

He had this wiretapping

He was for dirt hoping!

Happy, happy, happy few!
None but the sleaze,
None but the sleaze,
Alternate facts Oh fake news is nothing new!


Where they go for news one cannot tell

Such fake news are from hell:

Take dem from horses’s mouth

Or from wire north or south.

A swamp they sure make of Capitol Hill

Happy, happy, happy few!

None but the sleaze,
None but the sleaze,
Alternate facts Oh fake news is nothing new!


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