
Posts Tagged ‘reality’

What is energy? We see it in action. A vast stretch of wheat field swaying in the wind is an impressive sight; so is an ocean carrying waves along. The ocean wave does not however carry water anymore than a wave of wheat carries grains along. The wave shapes into an undulating (sinusoidal)or a saw-tooth (trochoidal) pattern and makes use of the water it passes, being itself composed of something abstract as Nobel Laureate Feynman would qualify it,’ a mathematical principle.’

Energy is such stuff that reality of our physical world cannot be conceived as a thing apart. Even to register what you see in your mind entails energy. In short by the simple act of observing, the principle of conservation of energy has laid claim on you.* For simplicity sake I shall define inner world is that part where such conservation take place. I opened up with such a definition to indicate our physical and inner world are hinged on energy. In short it is a material world and it is abstract as well.

The premise of the book is simple: one cannot handle his physical world without drawing the inner world along. Both are one and indivisible.

There is a supersymmetry, clues to which are not wanting in our everyday living. Idea of darkness would denote absence of light, for example. Man creates sense of the world using his abstract thinking. As mentioned in Correspondence principle energy is a proof of human existence and no other,- his wealth or name or any, shall pass the test of death.

The earth is a representation of all other habitations and there is no other way one can graduate his nursery without genuine proof in terms of service. It goes without saying every one of us shall bear each other’s burden. Cain’s asked God ‘Am I my brother’s keeper? In reply God pointed to the deed of fratricide.’The voice of thy brother’s blood cries unto me from ground.’ The significance is clear. Our actions shall be held against us. Utility is man’s proof of having met the condemnation of Cain as best as he or she could. In this age of environmental disasters and weird climate ask ourselves how have we discharged our stewardship on the earth.


All life forms hold a relative position in Cosmos and are of equal weight. Therefore it is reasonable to believe energy level of each will also be same. It is quantitative since laws of physics clearly explain energy that is transferred, say for example while a drill bit cuts into metal, can be quantified.

Suppose accidents in physical universe robbed one of energy from being fully utilized what shall conserve energy surplus?

Energy forms part of life form as its reality as to denote a quantity. This reality of energy un-utilized is in terms of its transactional energy that it may pass on to another. By doing so it is continuing life after life where its reality is established. If reality of one living could make use of it this reality is utility instead.

This may be explained rather fancifully from an example. Henry Ford in inventing automobile merely connected to the inventor of wheel. In a manner of speaking Henry Ford extended the unsung inventive genius of our primordial ancestor. He made his relevance topical. Suppose the inventor of wheel compensated him with whatever energy left to his account it is utility made a reality. Henry Ford is his direct inheritor since he changed the use of wheel in an altogether new way. That in turns gives primordial ancestor relevance. Ford is an inheritor as Daimler or Royce is. Despite of narrow confines of time and space reality of each life form is, set in context of Ultimate Reality and on Time-Space. The Golden Pagoda.

There is no accident or element of chance in such a close relation where moral universe exercises its right and man who defrauded or committed violence need pay up to the victim.


A neuron is a nerve cell that is the basic building block of the nervous system. Neurons are similar to other cells in the human body in a number of ways, but there is one key difference between neurons and other cells. Neurons are specialized to transmit information throughout the body.

These highly specialized nerve cells are responsible for communicating information in both chemical and electrical forms. There are also several different types of neurons responsible for different tasks in the human body.

Isn’t the body and brain as one considering entire circuitry of a life-form must interface worlds without?

Tags:non-verbal communication, electrical and chemical impulses,neurotransmitter,

(Selected from a book under progress)




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Nature’s gifts each life-form adapts in context to its environment. A tree being immobile or man who can flee or fight in case of danger shall create whole lot of adjustments that make world of each distinct. This potential to give is drawn from nature owing to something beyond its control in all aspects. Man who is given to abstract thinking might tag thus his context. God is for him defines a Being whose absolute control gives the inchoate external circumstances a one to one context.

By same token of rational thinking cannot another make God as a reality hidden in the very interplay forces that impinge on his world? Cannot God with his omnipresence hide in the interplay of events?

In Japan traditional houses are oriented and windows are placed in such manner to frame pleasant features of the landscape. The Japanese call it ‘borrowing scenery’ from Nature. In controlling Nature in a manner most advantageous to us are we not similarly working on an idea that is purely our own? Man may dominate other life forms and even quote convenient verse to justify his actions. Gen.1:28



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The Planets whizz past the pod

And see the confluence of the living

And the dead-these are memories 

The Greater Pod beyond the pulse

Of Time and Space

Has laid out by rule and line.

Seek memory what is not graven in your eye- 

I seek your verity and dare not make difference of what is or what was.

It is the seed in What will be-

Love is a pod where nothing spills asunder.


I let Venus immolate in a fireball

That belllowed a storm in her wake.

Andromeda and her sisters wept

While my silvery shafts broke fall

Between the Great Divide of matter- 

No matter the dark matter do have a say

When I say yea to be integral

And indivisible of the Pod Illumined

Beyond my silly sentiments of 

Being straight as an arrow 

In a Space where the bulls eye 

Pulses every point one dwells upon.

I take the blame I bowed my knees to gods

That sounded euphonious

But left those who dared not bear a name as such.

Love was silent and yet carried her name well;

So was he who chose Love but dared not

Seek gender as such.


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I am invisible for night

And If the sun seek me It is in vain-

That serves him right.

Night velvet flounces

Of feathery brightness clouds bear,

Lifted by soft breeze these know

In dribs and drabs it goes all the way

where tassels blow and tease

My throat arched beyond the moon’s passage.

You ask in such impertinent plainness

‘Why wander hither and thither

In such listless wonder, Do you?

I lean out to touch the gown

Steeped in imperious purple dye-

My gown is of such pleasure

That cannot bear the roses-

And the briar must forbear

From fancies of the drab noon-tide,  

Who else but the moonbeams wove

sequins along the field of purple , and

for my pleasure?

Touch not with words to confuse

the invisible pleasure of this union with

Living and the dying.

Where none mortal may dream


they shall know me in a roundabout way;

Look not dreamer for stars, my eyes 

nor too closely at my lashes 

the seat of seven sisters weaving a dream

It  is a lie for the curious eye.

For I am beholden neither to sun nor the moon

Beyond reproach of reason and madness

I See beyond these vile mortality:

What was, what is and What will be. 


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In a couple of weeks I hope to celebrate my birth day. Should I treat it as a day of sorrow? You see I am coming into the wrong side of sixties. But incurable and hopeless idiot I am for a good laugh, I could celebrate it for another reason. You see I am still on the good side of seventies.
On looking back I see the moments of panic and shudder in my life and see nothing I feared did really happen. Fear of parents,teachers who breathed fire and rattled rulers and imposition are all gone. Faces of martinets and House rules are out focus. A nasty marriage divorce, and the fearful step unto the unknown are equally behind me. From where I stand clarity of life as I imagined and how it has been give me a new insight. Clarity of life as a whole, places emphases elsewhere; the reality is much more significant since I can see many chain of events that I had merely treated then as coincidence connect and a few others disappear as of no consequence.
My trust in grace of God and in the mysteries of life has been vindicated. Love as an experience I find far more important and satisfying than a life of ideas. What are sparks of ideas without the reality of life? What is love but the nature of life given the wick to burn? I hope my wife and I shall be warmed even as old age is about us.

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A couple of years ago I went back to India where I had lived for some fifty years. I came to know a French couple rather well. They were living well in Paris,- and both were professionals, and one day they had enough of it. Love for India had completely taken possession of them. They wanted to see, feel and live close to nature and be in ‘the centre of Cosmic forces’. Which other place but India? Their imagination was quite lively I must admit, and their transparency for all their urban living simply shone through. The man was, of all things an advocate having had his private practice and he felt India demanded all that he could give. Yes he and his wife did give, and at every corner from the law to the whole array of ‘gurus’ in their saffron clothes were for taking all they could. Having ran up all their life savings on the assumption that India of their dreams must some time and somewhere must coincide. It never did happen to their disappointment.
Recently we met once again and the Parisian wanted to know where did he go wrong. Who am I to break his illusions? The French couple loved India of their imagination while I loved the habit of being an Indian. His cultural baggage is neither Paris where he grew up but also imagination that makes reality work. Only what has changed now is this: reality of India added something new to his imagination. Paris that he is going back for good shall be all the more better.
Our cultural baggage is so heavy when consigned to imagination. In reality India weighs no more than Paris since it is to be lived in. Reality and how it is handled requires no ‘culture’ in technicolor but hard common sense.

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If there be hand there must also surely the thought that can draw conclusions from Imagination in manner finite mind of man can understand? What is art but communicating by means of symbols and realities,- superficial at that, between the artist and the viewer. The artist by taking advantage of the texture paint and color draws veil over the viewer’s visual faculties,- and how he opens the window therein is a matter of trust. How the artist has drawn from the immensities and how you deign to follow his insight and art are two different things. Late MF Hussain of India drew Mother India according to his vision and some busybodies saw nakedness ‘ Abominable!’ they cried. They hounded him out of India while those who could have put a stop to the vandalism did nothing. (Just as they didn’t prevent the Babri Masjid demolition.)
Reality of our physical universe is not beyond our ken although emphasis you and I place may vary. Reality is how we translate Imagination into the context of time and place in which we transact realities in a meaningful manner.
Our imagination has grasped essentials of Imagination. If we have celestial tones ringing in our ears and put it down by means of musical notations we are giving the reality a scope it never had before. How good or bad it is must be judged musically and not by intention or any other means. A Mozart or Bach has felicity of expression that makes anyone hearing it to guess whose composition it is. They are unique and their shadows even after a distance of centuries bring to mind as though they were not dead and gone at all. We are reality of an Immense Dream and how we shape it can only be determined as such from our works.
In the Immensities, quintessence of which is indivisible and Absolute we borrow scenery as it were, like Japanese. (In Japan houses are sited taking advantage of the landscape. They borrow scenery so to speak so from where they sit they can enjoy a slice of it. Though they only tinkered with the house Nature has come along freely to raise its quality to the nth degree.). Religion, Science, art literature all human enterprises are windows drawn on it and whether it is shut or open quality of Immensities remain unchanged. An atheist scoffing at the Immensities plays the fool since he is the eye of it. He is a fool since he says there is nothing.

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At the Altamira Caves©

A group of prehistoric men camped in the Upper Paleolithic caves Spain thought they were guided by some unseen hand. From where they stood they could see in the valley below such abundant wild-life, which they could hunt. There was plenty of meat to go round. Because it was a coastal area they also fished and it gave some variety to their diet. When they painted the caves they were in a manner of speaking thanking whatever made them seek that part of rocky outcrop.
‘Imagination no doubt.’ One wizened man exclaimed.
‘But from where it came to us?’ The young braves queried.
The old man replied, ‘ By the same source that made us leave our history along the walls.’
They didn’t get it so they pressed him to explain. ‘Would we have left these paintings behind if we did not think we would be found?’
Later when roof of a cave collapsed they decided it was time to move on.
As they filed their way to safer regions the old man asked the group of hunter-gatherers who were responsible for painting the walls,’ Don’t you want to leave your signature?’
‘Whatever for?’ perplexed they were at the question, ‘ we were merely the hand that obeyed Imagination whatever it is.’ In our exercising the imagination we prove we are part of a dream at the centre of which holds an Absolute quality.
Let me quote Carlyle”For indeed it is well said,’in every object there is inexhaustible meaning: the eye sees in it what the eye brings means of seeing.’ To Newton and Newton’s dog Diamond, what a different pair of universe; while the painting on the optical retina of both was, most likely the same!’( French Revolution./Book I.1.2)
When you look at the immensities do you trace the lineaments of God or Allah and think It gave you the right to demolish those who didn’t see it the way you did?
Wherever one is, that the Centre of Immensities,-for believer, theist, agnostic atheist alike. Centre of Immensities is an expression of Carlyle and I find in him some similarities.

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While narrating a battle in which Persia fought against Croesus, the Lydian king, Herodotus in his Histories mentions a curious incident. At the sacking of Sardis a Persian soldier saw the distraught king of Lydia defenseless and vulnerable. So badly had the tide turned and the king did not care if he died or not. Even when the enemy soldier threatened to kill him he sat where he was. But his dumb son seeing the danger screamed. As if by a miracle the young man got his power of speech at that moment.
It is the moment that determines our worth. And we have no clue as to what we are capable of till that moment arrives. The moment of truth. We have only this moment: how shall we delineate truth?
If we cannot create Now in harmony with our Essential Self (or let Soul affix its seal of approval) forget we will ever get into grips with time in its finite mode.

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A Conundrum

Having dreamt up a comet
Unresolved I am as yet
Of this monstrosity,-
Did this leviathan
All fire and ice, from cosmos
Freefall by mischance
To trouble my thoughts?
Why should it be so?
(Unlike Ahab no rancor
I hold for this distraction
Even as it sped to its doom.)
Or did I pull it up
A celestial bauble into orbit
By the gravity of sleep?

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